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Best 7 Tips On How To Apply For Canadian Scholarships

Oftentimes, when students at the secondary or high school level are asked about their plans for tertiary education, their responses are usually aimed at studying in of the best universities abroad. This is a viable dream and as well realistic but then the question is asked why study abroad? Most answers will be because of the facilities, educational quality, and advance technology, the qualification of tutors, the prestige and basically the approval for various employment opportunities. Although, some of these students are able to realize their dreams of an international education. While due to certain difficulties some of the students who dream of studying abroad have to limit their thinking to their financial capacity. The unavailability of funds has made it impossible for some students to continue their education abroad and this has been a major setback. Consequently, some countries, organizations, companies, foundations, have created opportunities for students to actualize their dreams of an international education through international scholarships and loan programs.

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An International scholarship is a type of financial aid or financial assistance awarded by a student by Colleges, Foundations, governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations. These scholarships come in a form of a full tuition fee waiver and a coverage of some other expenses or a partial fee waiver. International scholarships are common in the U.S, U.K, Canada, Australia, Germany, Norway Finland, China, Ukraine, India, Hungary, Japan, Netherlands, and many other countries. However, the crux of this article is Canada

Canada is located in North America and it is one of the countries prevalent in scholarships for international students. The procedure for Canadian scholarship is not quite strenuous and with interest, it is achievable. Literally, it is one of the countries students patronize for international scholarships. A student is opportune to meet and relate with people from different parts of the world, and as a result, applying for a Canadian scholarship will expose you to new cultures, a good and serene environment which is quite intriguing to a student.

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Best 7 Tips on How To Apply For a Canadian Scholarship

1. Check and Pick any School of Your Choice

The first step on how to apply for a Canadian Scholarship is to do an extensive research on the colleges offering scholarships, you can check our article on fully funded scholarships in Canada for undergraduate and graduate international students. where you will find details of schools you can apply to, this includes the requirements and eligibility criteria.

2. Understand the Scholarship Types and Requirements

In other words, once you have made your pick(as stated in the first step) understanding the requirements, eligibility criteria, scholarship duration, application deadline, and scholarship benefits(full or partial) is the next best thing to do. This would help you stay organized and manage your time efficiently, because it is important to submit your application early. You need time to prepare all the necessary documents, here is a list to guide you:

  • Completed Scholarship Application Form
  • Letter of Acceptance.
  • All academic transcripts.
  • Certificates that prove your eligibility .
  • Proof of English Proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.).
  • Medical Test results (optional)
  • Recommendation Letter

3. Sign Up with the School on Their Official Website

The next thing to do once you are sure of the school you want and you meet the necessary requirements, is to proceed with your application on the school’s official website. At this stage you will be required to submit brief information about you as well as your email and telephone for effective communication.

4. Follow the Process of Admission on the College Application Portal of the College you Signed Up

Completing your application process is the next step on how to apply for a Canadian Scholarship, you need to make preparations to complete your proficiency test to further qualify for the scholarship. This can be found during your selection on the college website for the particular choice and course of study. It ranges depending on the kind of program you are applying for either Doctorate degree, MBA, MSc, and undergraduate programs. You will be assigned to an officer who will be managing and monitoring you pending the period of application and will guide you through telephone calls and emails during the period. You will also be informed of the date of the school’s resumption could be summer winter or spring depending on your choice.

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5. You Prepare and Submit your official documents required for the scholarship

Ensure they are valid and credible, don’t present false documents or invalid documents otherwise your application will be rejected. As an applicant you must also be certified healthy before you can study in Canada, it is required you go through various medical tests basically a general screening as well as vaccination against the corona virus. You should also note that during your application you meet the eligibility criteria. Every institution has a criteria for their scholarships and if you fall short it will reduce your chances of getting a scholarship award.

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So also Canadian scholarships can come in different forms; It could be a full waiver of your tuition and could be a partial waiver of your tuition. Some Canadian scholarships are not limited to academic eligibility, some scholarships may be for athlete (Foot Locker Scholar Athletes), are also hostels available to students outside campus and affordable. It’s a requirement that you have no criminal record if you are applying for scholarship in Canada. You should ensure you have the required G.P.A to maintain scholarship, there are scholarships for international students on student visa.

6. Apply for your International Passport

Next tip is to apply for your international passport if you dont have one. This tip is more of a reminder, ensure that your international travel passport will not expire for the next six month of your travel. Your International Passport is an essential part of your travel pack and it is essential if you want to apply for a Canadian Scholarship.

7. Apply For as Many Scholarships as Possible

The last tip on how to apply for a Canadian Scholarship is to apply to as many scholarships as possible so as to have other options and opportunities.

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General Canadian Scholarship Application Criteria

The general application criteria for Canadian scholarship as an international student simply means the basic requirements you have to meet before you can be accepted as a beneficiary. so, to as an international student, to qualify for a scholarship either from government or non government institutions, you must make sure you satisfy the following criteria. Though for each individual scholarship that you wish to avail, the overall eligibility will vary but some general requirements that international students must keep in mind are:

  • Outstanding Academic Performance: The first thing is to have an excellent academic record, if you wish to study abroad in Canada, you must have accumulated good grades in your pervious academic endeavors. As a matter of fact, most of the Canadian Scholarships are merit-based, in other words, scholarships are mostly granted to students with outstanding performance.
  • Language Proficiency: Another factor that gives you an edge during your application is your proficiency exam scores. This is due to the fact that English Language is not the first spoken language of most international students. Therefore, having an excellent use of English Diction or a good score on your proficiency exam is important.
  • Leadership Activities: While most scholarships focus more on academic achievements, many other Canadian scholarships look out for candidates who have leadership abilities, either as the head prefect in secondary school, class coordinator, course representative, faculty president, Secretary of a student body etc.  Basically if you have a past record of  holding a position at any point in time.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Some scholarships in Canada for international students also consider students’ involvement in volunteering and extracurricular activities. This is often a case with stream-specific scholarships, such as programs like social work, etc. The work experience in the field is an add-on and hence, becomes one of the major eligibility criteria.

In Conclusion

If you follow the tips provided above and you conveniently fulfill the general requirements and criteria it is sure that you will be awarded with a Scholarship to study in Canada. Read carefully and  make the necessary preparations before you start your application.

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