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Dalhousie University General Entrance Awards – Canadian Scholarships

Brief description

General Entrance Awards is a fully funded scholarship for foreign  students. It is offered for Undergraduate studies. This scholarship is valued at $30,000 and covers  tuition fee, monthly allowance, housing, and health insurance. These are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership, extracurricular involvement, community service, financial need and cultural identity.

Level/Field of study:

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Bachelor’s Degree 

Number of Scholarships:

More than 2,000 entrance awards are available through General Entrance Award


To be considered for this scholarship:

  • 80% admission average or 26 predicted/anticipated IB Diploma points to be considered (Averages are calculated using the five courses that are required for the program that the student has applied for).
  • All applicants regardless of citizenship are eligible to apply for the General Entrance Award Program
  • You must remain registered in an eligible undergraduate degree/diploma program offered in the Faculties of Agriculture, Architecture & Planning, Arts & Social Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering, Health, Management or Science, or in the School of Dental Hygiene.
  • You must register as a full-time student (minimum 9 credit hours per term for degree students and 6 credit hours per term for technology students) at Dalhousie University for the term(s) in which the scholarship is awarded.
  • Students registered at King’s College are not eligible for Dalhousie scholarships.


Target Group:

All students, both domestic and international students all over the world.

Application Instructions:

Application is currently closed(Reopens Every Year)

Official Website

About Dalhousie University

The university is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada which is ranked one of the most friendly towns in the globe. Founded in 1818, it is one of Canada’s oldest universities. Dalhousie university has an array of  award-winning professionals you can learn from. They integrate you with workplace experiences that prepares you for job market after graduation.

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See also  All You Need To Know About International Scholarships As An African Student.

4 thoughts on “Dalhousie University General Entrance Awards – Canadian Scholarships”

  1. Mohamed Mohamed Kamara

    Hi i am Mohamed Mohamed Kamara from Sierra Leone I’m a student and business man i am doing retailer business in my country sierra Leone so now i want to started my business in Canada please help me how to get a visa of Canada.

  2. Mohamed Mohamed Kamara

    Hello everyone my name is Mohamed mohamed Kamara,i am 20 years old,andi was born and grow up in sierra Leone.In a small village called Makitto village were i stated my first education. an i came from a family with seven sebiling and i am one of the 7, and after that i move to a city called Port loko city were i forward my education.

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