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Adelaide University Scholarships

Adelaide University Scholarships

In order to educate South Australia’s future leaders, the University of Adelaide was founded in 1874. Through the ambition of its first chancellor, it also grew to include education in other subjects like contemporary philosophy, the arts, and science. The University of Adelaide was the first to admit women to its academic programs and awarded the first degree in 1885. Furthermore, it is the third-oldest institution in the country.

Adelaide University Scholarships
Adelaide University Scholarships
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The university built the three additional campuses in South Australia and rose to the status of a premier institution of higher learning over the years, among other significant accomplishments. More than 22,000 students are served by its five faculties and more than 3,300 employees. Additionally, the University of Adelaide gained recognition throughout the world for its top-notch research standards. International students surely take the university into consideration for their study as one of the top 1% of universities in the globe. The University of Adelaide’s international student scholarships will be covered in this article.

University of Adelaide Scholarships for International Students 2022

Applications from all over the world are being accepted for the University of Adelaide Scholarships in Australia 2021. A Masters or Doctoral Degree Program in Any Academic Field may be pursued through the Adelaide University Scholarship.

Scholarships last for two years for MS degrees and three years for PHD degrees. All academic disciplines are eligible for the Adelaide Scholarships Awards, which are fully funded scholarships for international students. One of Australia’s most prestigious universities, the University of Adelaide is known around the world for its distinction in research and education.

There are many other disciplines available, including computer science, engineering of any kind, professions, mathematical sciences, health sciences, and arts sciences. Adelaide is the most affordable city to live in, which is why many international students pick it as their study abroad destination. At Adelaide University, there are about 4,000 international students.

University of Adelaide International Scholarships

Australian University of Adelaide Scholarships 2022
Country: Australia, Adelaide
Master’s and doctoral degrees
Benefits in Money: Fully Funded
Adelaide University is a university.
Due date: July 9, 2021
Period of the Scholarship
graduate degree Program lasts up to two years.
Ph.D. Degree Can Take Up To 3 Years To Complete
Scholarships for Bachelors, Masters, and PhDs in Canada for 2021

Financial Coverage

Outstanding international graduates from any country may apply for a number of Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships from the University of Adelaide to start their studies toward a Masters or Doctorate degree by research.

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Full Tuition for Doctoral Degrees up to 4 Years and Masters Up to 2 Years.
A Research Masters degree would be funded for up to two years and a Research Doctorate degree would be funded for up to three years with an annual living allowance of AUD28,597 (tax-free, 2021 value).

Eligibility Criteria

International students who are qualified to begin a Master’s or Doctorate Degree are required to apply.
In order to keep their scholarship, successful applicants must apply to The University of Adelaide and enrol there as “foreign students.”
Until a qualification has been satisfactorily attained, applicants who are working toward one are not eligible for consideration.
The minimum requirement for applicants is to have earned the equivalent of an Australian Honours degree.
A student cannot be considered for a scholarship at the University of Adelaide in the future if they have already been considered in two scholarship rounds in the previous 18 months.

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How to Apply

Applicants must submit an online application form. Please click on the Official Link to Apply for University of Adelaide Scholarships in Australia year 2021–2022.

Adelaide Global Academic Excellence Scholarships for International Students

Brief Explanation:

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The University of Adelaide’s Global Academic Excellence Scholarship (International) is a highly selective prize given to international students beginning undergraduate and postgraduate coursework who have excelled academically in prior coursework.

Host Institution:

Australian University of Adelaide

Study Level/Field(s):

The University offers coursework degrees at the undergraduate or graduate levels in any discipline.

Total number of awards: Two awards in each faculty

Target Audience: International students students (except Australia and New Zealand)

Scholarship Worth and Length:

Only two scholarships of 50% off the tuition cost will be given by each faculty to the applicant in that faculty with the best ATAR or GPA over 98.


  • Acceptable for students starting in the academic year 2021–2025;
    available to overseas undergraduate and graduate coursework students starting their programs with direct entrance, including those who must complete a
  • Pre-Enrolment English Program (PEP) before starting their degree;
  • Available for study in any discipline; open to nationals of any country (with the exception of Australia and New Zealand).
  • According to a general rule, the University of Adelaide will take into consideration candidates who have attained academic standing comparable to the following:
  • A GPA of 6.8 out of 7 for postgraduate coursework programs, OR its equivalent
  • Application Guidelines:

The 2021–2025 University of Adelaide Global Academic Excellence Scholarship will be given automatically to students who match the conditions, therefore there is no need to apply.

No separate scholarship application form is required. The next deadline for Semester 2 entry is 13 June 2022. It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the online application system and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website:

AU Sport and Fitness Scholarships For 2022

Adelaide University Scholarships (Charles Jessop) – $2000

Charlie Jessop was a life member of Adelaide University Sport and made substantial contributions to the Law faculty, AU Sport, and the University of Adelaide. A student in the Arts, Business, Law, and Economics Faculty who not only succeeds in their chosen sport but also provides significant service to their AU Sport club is given the scholarship. There is just one scholarship open.

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Don Stranks Scholarships $2000

Professor Don Stranks, who is now deceased, served as the university’s vice chancellor and vice president and was a fervent supporter of the cricket and football teams. Candidates must be successful in either football or cricket and contribute significantly to the Adelaide University cricket or football teams. Candidates must have their clubs nominate them. One scholarship is given for football and the other is for cricket. The club is where Stranks Scholarship applications are submitted. Please fill out the Stranks Scholarship application and submit it to the club president for review.

Adelaide University Scholarships (Bob Heddle) $1500

From 1964 through 1982, Bob Heddle served as the University Health Service’s director. The scholarships are awarded based on excellence and honor the commitment to an Adelaide University Sport club in unspecified sports. Three University of Adelaide students who excel in their chosen sport and provide significant service to their club, Adelaide University Sports, are awarded scholarships. Three scholarships are available.

Adelaide University Scholarships (Bill Scammell) $1000

See also  International Student Awards at University of Western Australia - Scholarships

This scholarship, which bears the name of a former Chancellor of the University of Adelaide who supported Adelaide University Sport, is given to two University of Adelaide students who may not necessarily excel in their chosen sport but who nonetheless make a significant contribution to the growth of collegiate sport. This could be in the capacity of a manager, volunteer, or coach (for no less than three years). Two scholarships are available.

Sport President Scholarships at Adelaide University: $1000

As a financial inducement to join an Adelaide University Sport club, this award is given to University of Adelaide first-year students. Unless specific permission is granted by the club and Adelaide Academic Sport, the scholarship recipient must make themselves accessible for Adelaide University Sport club matches, even during university breaks. During the three years of the scholarship, the bearer is not permitted to play on loan or on a temporary transfer to any other club. President’s scholarships are disbursed in the middle of the academic year to help with the cost of mandatory tuition, books, and athletic equipment, as well as the athlete’s club dues for up to three years. Three scholarships are available.

Adelaide Scholarships for Soccer Club: $2000

One male player in State League 1 and one female player in the WNPL each get the AU Soccer Club Scholarship. The student needs to be a paying member in good standing of the Adelaide University Soccer Club. One male and one female recipient will each receive one of the two scholarships. The AU Soccer Club is a co-funder of these two scholarships.

Adelaide University Scholarships Awarded By Popular Vote: $1000

The People’s Choice Credit Union-sponsored scholarships are intended to assist Adelaide University Sport’s commitment to inclusivity. Adelaide University Sport takes pleasure in offering opportunities for sport and recreation to all students. The recipients of this scholarship must be female athletes, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander athletes, or athletes with disabilities.

Adelaide University Scholarships Sport: $2500

The scholarship is given by the University of Adelaide to two students each year who are enrolled in an undergraduate or honours degree there and who have been recognized by the university as being members of the Sports Association. The scholarship is offered for a calendar year. For 2022, applications are now closed. The winners will know their status in May 2022.

Adelaide University Scholarships (Frances Adamson Scholarship): $2000

A student who is enrolled in an undergraduate, honours, or postgraduate coursework program at the University of Adelaide who has been recognized as a member of the Adelaide University Sports and Fitness Association will receive one scholarship each year. The Adelaide University Boat Club should have active financial members who are students. Though application is closed now, it re-opens every year.

Adelaide University Scholarships
Adelaide University Scholarships

Adelaide University Club Scholarships

Intervarsity Hockey Max Weir Award: $500

The Max Weir Intervarsity Hockey Award honours a hockey player who has made significant contributions to their club, school, or local community and who is likely to do the same for the Adelaide University Hockey Club by competing in the University Nationals.

The Chester Bennett Award

An Adelaide University Cricket Club member and undergraduate student with the ability to compete at the top level is given the Chester Bennett Scholarship. Included in the scholarship is money to help with the cost of equipment, club dues, and club kit/uniform. The grant also covers the recipient’s travel expenses for intercollegiate national contests.

Adelaide University Scholarships (The Danielle And the Swift Family) $500

This scholarship is given to a volleyball player in recognition of their academic success, participation in and performance in sports, leadership traits, and extracurricular activities.

See also  Commonwealth Scholarships in South Africa For International Students (Fully Funded)

Adelaide International Undergraduate Scholarships for Foreign Students 2022–2023

The University of Adelaide is accepting scholarship applications for undergraduate programs. The University of Adelaide is one of Australia’s most prestigious universities and is known worldwide for its excellence in research and education. Students who meet the requirements can submit their applications on or before the deadline by visiting the official website and following the instructions.

The Adelaide University awards a total of 40 undergraduate scholarships each year. Scholarship offers a waiver of 25% of the annual tuition fee for each program year for the entire program’s duration, up to a maximum of four years.

About the Scholarship

The Scholarship’s name Adelaide Undergraduate International Scholarships
No of scholarship: Forty (40) scholarships are awarded every year

Host Institution: The University of Adelaide
Official Website:
Scholarship Award Period: Four years

Scholarships are only accessible to international undergraduate students, with the exception of Australia and New Zealand. They can be used for any undergraduate program, with the exception of bachelor’s degrees in science, dentistry, oral health, and medicine (MBBS, BDS, and oral health) (Veterinary Bioscience).

How To Apply:

Through the official website, all qualified candidates should submit their applications online. Before submitting their scholarship application, candidates must have at any time received an admissions offer from the university (candidates with conditional offers are still eligible to apply).

However, before a scholarship can be verified, you must accept and comply with the terms of their offer. Until all scholarships have been given out, applications will be reviewed and scholarships will be provided on a rolling basis.

Application Process

The scholarship applicant must have attained a level of academic performance that is equivalent to a GPA of 6/7 (85%) in order to be considered for a scholarship. Those who are chosen to receive a scholarship will be notified of their status within 4 to 6 weeks of submitting their scholarship application.

Application Deadline: For students starting in Semester 1 (February 2022), the application deadline is anticipated to be on January 19, 2022. For additional information and complete details, please check the official website before applying.

Scholarships for Higher Education

Scholarship Source Scholarship Amount: A 25% discount on tuition
Among the scholarships offered by the University of Adelaide to international undergraduate and graduate students are the Higher Education Scholarships. Subject to annual assessment, it pays for the minimum amount of time successful applicants must enrol in full-time studies. Applicants must have completed technical or vocational training at an Australian Higher Education institution in Australia or another country in order to be eligible for this University of Adelaide scholarship.


With a lively environment and stunning scenery right outside its doors, Adelaide is ranked as the third most liveable city in the world. Beyond the classroom, there is a lot to enjoy, including local fresh food markets, international athletic events, and well-known arts festivals.You can spend more time enjoying life and less time commuting thanks to the city’s layout. Additionally, you have more money to enjoy it because Adelaide has a lower cost of living than other Australian capital cities.

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